fees & gift cards
Fees are based on an hourly rate of $250.
(I offer a sliding scale of $150-$250)
How quickly the process moves has mostly to do with how ready you are. Through an intake discussion, you and I will be able to determine this. The right timing results in a quicker, smoother, more satisfying experience. If you’re not ready, we’ll connect again when you are.
Also, that’s me and my sis now— see, we made it.
When a friend loses someone, you want to help. You want to let them know you are thinking of them. But let's face it, flowers and fruit baskets don't necessarily convey that. Why don't you –– and some friends –– get them a gift card to EPILOGUE? Help in the most practical way. Contact me to get started.
I am not a licensed therapist or counselor. I do this work drawing from deep personal experience of grief and professional expertise in operational management.